Forms & Documents | Girl Scouts of Suffolk County
For Troop Volunteers: 12 Available
  1. For Product Sales Programs
  2. Report an accident/injury occurring at a GS activity.
  3. Adult/Volunteer Media & Photo Release Form
  4. Must be submitted for overnight trips for 2+ days.
  5. Pay your Troop bill for Cookies/Nuts
  6. Request use of our Council facilities for activities.
  7. Pay Troop's tag-along insurance annually
  8. Only For Juniors & Up
  9. Troop Roster form for Trip Approval requests
  10. Volunteers to submit their certification
  11. Volunteer Expectations & Code of Conduct Agreement
For Girls & Families: 10 Available
  1. Parental Permission for Unscheduled Activities w/Troop
  2. Photo/Media release form for child & parent/caregiver.
  3. Parental agreement for Girl Scout to participate.
  4. Apply for aid for Girl Scout membership / expenses.
  5. Girl Scouts Health History Info for Troop
  6. Parental agreement for Girl Scout to participate.
  7. Parental Permission for Scheduled Activities w/ Troop
  8. Immunization Exemption Waiver
  9. Agreement from for Troop Leader and Parent/Caregiver
  10. Release info from Parent/Caregiver to Leader
For SU Coordinators: 3 Available