Become a Troop Leader | Girl Scouts of Suffolk County
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Troop Leader Roles
Girl Scout Troop Leader
You can make a difference.
As a volunteer troop leader and adult member of Girl Scouts, you will lead a troop/group of girls to experience the fun, friendships, and power of girls together as they make the world a better place through the Girl Scout movement.
Must be an adult member of Girl Scouts of Suffolk County (18+ years of age). Annual membership fee is $25 per year.
Background check conducted every 3 years.
The commitment of approximately 2-5 hours per month to facilitate and plan troop meetings.
Commitment of approximately 1 hour per month to attend troop leader meetings.
Participate in required trainings as set by council.
Sign a leader and financial agreement.
Volunteers do NOT have to be a specific gender or related to a girl in a troop to be a leader.
Work with a minimum of one other co-leader.
Provide a regularly scheduled meeting.
See that girls are involved in planning and decision-making to reach their goals.
Notify parents/caregivers of troop activities.
Manage troop funds.
Provide the girls with information about product campaigns, council, and service unit events.
Learn more about becoming a Troop Leader by watching our video: