Girl Scout Songs & Games
M&M Icebreaker Game
Pour M&Ms, or any other multicolored candy, into a bowl. Have
everyone in the group take as many as they want, but no fewer than
five from the bowl. Make sure that no one eats their candy right away.
For each piece of candy they took, they will have to answer a
question, depending on its color. For example, you can designate:
- Red: Favorite hobby
- Green: Favorite food
- Yellow: Favorite movie
- Orange: Something cool that
- happened yesterday
- Brown: Something you do well
- Blue: Random fact (share anything they choose)
Line Up Game
One person is the caller. She calls out, “Everyone pleases now line
up…” and fills in the blank with a statement such as one of the
suggestions below. All players race and find the right order.
- In order of age, oldest at the front, youngest at the
- In alphabetical order by first name
- In order of
height, from smallest to tallest
- In order by your
birthday—January to December
If you have a large number, divide it into two teams to see who can
finish first. To make it harder, play the game in silence.
Tag Games
Elbow Tag: Everyone, except 2 players, links arms with another
player. Of the remaining two players, one is it and the other is the
chased. Whenever the chased links elbows with a pair of players, the
person on the other side of the pair must break off from the group.
This player now becomes the chased. If the chased gets tagged, they
become it.
Turtle Tag: One person is it. If a chased player gets tagged,
she becomes frozen until she is tagged by another non-it player. To
avoid being tagged, players can lay down on their backs with their
hands and feet in the air. Players can only remain safe like this for
10 seconds.
Shadow Tag: Best played late in the afternoon or early evening,
when the shadows are long. It tags players by stepping on their
shadows. If a player gets tagged, they become the new it.
Frogger Game
Everyone sits in a circle. Pick a girl to be the detective and have
her step out of the room. The remaining girls close their eyes and
select one person, with a tap on the shoulder, to be the Frogger.
Girls not chosen are all flies.
When the Frogger has been chosen the group opens their eyes and
says, “oh detective” and the detective comes back into the room and
steps into the middle of the circle. The Frogger must stick her tongue
out at the flies which signals the flies to dramatically fall
backwards, distracting the detective.
The detective moves around the circle and has three chances to guess
who the Frogger is before the Frogger tags all the flies.