How to earn the Girl Scout Silver Award
- Your first step is to take the gsLearn course “ GSSC Introduction to the Silver Award” on your MyGS account. Please note this course is only available to adult members and volunteers. Information is to be shared with girls.
- Download GSSC's Girl Scout Silver Award Proposal form
- Go on a Girl Scout Cadette Journey (6th, 7th, and 8th grade): Discover, Connect and Take Action. Develop leadership skills. Journeys can be completed independently or through our council activities/programs
- What issues are important to you? Identify why it matters and how your community is affected.
- Form a Team: Join with 3 other girls or Go Solo and partner with friends, businesses, neighbors. Develop patience, cooperation, and respect.
- Explore: Define your community and how you can assist the people and places you encounter.
- Create a Community Contact List with names, contact information, and how they can assist you.
- Select a Take Action Project: Decide where you can create positive change by developing a solution to a specific issue that matters to you. Your project must be sustainable and take, at a minimum, 50 hours to complete per girl.
- Outline steps to complete your project by identifying: The talents of each member of your team, individuals or organizations who can assist you, fundraising ideas, supplies needed, and time needed.
- Find a Project Advisor: an expert or specialist who can guide you in the completion of your project.
- Complete a Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal Form that must be approved by Council before you begin your project. Download below.
- Fundraise: Upon review and approval by Council, you can raise funds and purchase “something” for your project. You cannot solicit money. You must fill out a Troop Additional Fundraising Packet Form.
- Put your plan in motion by assigning tasks to each member of your team. Your project and Girl Scout Silver Award Final Report Form must be completed by September 30 of the year you or your oldest team members complete 8th grade. (This form will be emailed to you once the project proposal form is approved)
- Reflect, Share your Project, and Celebrate: All media publications must be reviewed and approved before they are reproduced or made live. You will be invited to celebrate at our annual Silver Award Breakfast in your honor.