To prepare for your meeting with the business leader(s), you must create your proposal and pitch. Your proposal includes all the information your prospect may need to know! You should include information on the Corporate Cookie Connections program, what levels of sponsorship are available, and the benefits to the business for participating. You may also want to share about the Girl Scout Cookie Program, your Cookie Sale goals, and your Girl Scout experience.
Your proposal may be a printed document, perhaps a flyer, or a pamphlet you design. You could also create a digital proposal document, website, or presentation to share. Print out the Become a Corporate Cookie Connections Partner flyer to give to your prospects during your pitch. It lists all the sponsorship levels and benefits they receive and access to the Corporate Cookie Connections Sponsorship Form.
Proposal: Plan what to include in your proposal.
While providing a proposal is key, you will also need to prepare for what to say during your meeting- this is your pitch! You should cover information similar to what is described above for your proposal, and provide them with the proposal before, during, or after your pitch as support. During your pitch, you also should make your ask—let them know how they can help you towards your goal and what it would require of them!
Below are tips for perfecting your pitch.
- Practice, practice, practice! If possible, practice with an audience who can help provide you feedback.
- Avoid filler words like “um,” “like,” and “so.” Writing out and practicing your pitch can help you grow confident in your words and avoid fillers, but if you feel the urge to say them, try to take a brief pause instead!
- If you make a mistake, that is okay! Just pause, take a deep breath, and keep going.
- Dress for success (your Girl Scout uniform would be a great touch!) and stand/sit up straight so that you look and feel confident.
- Make eye contact with your audience. If that seems a little scary, an easy trick is to look at someone’s forehead so that you are still acknowledging them but do not make yourself uncomfortable.
Pitch: Write out what you will say in your pitch.
After giving your pitch, it is time to close the deal! Head on to step three to learn more.